Selfie Week 30: Resolution Progress Report, Q3

That’s up on the East Ridge trail at Armstrong Woods and is part of my new workout regimen to get into better shape – more on that in a moment.
Wow, it’s been a minute, hasn’t it? Here we are in Week 30, a few weeks out from the start of the third quarter of 2018 and I’ve been slacking! Oh, wait, might as well get started on the New Years Resolutions check-in, right?…
  • Stick to a posting schedule — yeah, that’s fallen off, hasn’t it? I think the term is “blog-fade”. My three-posts-a-week started dipping with me falling behind on my stories. Then the selfies. Then the Five Things This Week. There aren’t any good excuses on this one other than I made my blog less of a priority. There’s reasons for that, sure, but nothing particularly notable. But this week is a nice, round week 30, so let’s try to pick this three-posts-a-week thing back up! Sure, we’re supposed to post Selfies on Monday and it’s Tuesday, but… you know, let’s work on the numbers and worry about hitting the right days later, shall we?
How about some good news?
  • A Selfie Post Once a Week — Yes, I’ve fallen off, but I’m patting myself on the back here. I started in week 3, and we’re on week 30. Out of the possible 27 Selfie posts, I’ve missed six. That’s a high C! I can build on that! Remember that old adage about what you call the medical student who graduated with a C average – Doctor!
  • Achieve low-hanging Bucket List Fruit: Cross off five items this year — While I still haven’t finished my ride report (hoping to get that up this week!!), I can say I definitively crossed two items off:
    13. Soak in a hot spring in the middle of nowhere!

    20. Ride Sherman Pass Road through Sequoia National Forest!
    And I’m claiming a half for 8. Meditate among the ancient bristlecone pines because I did get to the bristlecone pine forest, and I did see some of them. But they were the young ‘uns (only about 3500-4000 years old. Only), and I didn’t have a chance to do the hike out to the really old trees (spoiler: maybe this fall!)
    So at least 2 out of the 5 items I committed to! That’s progress!
  • 10,000 step days — At the last review I mentioned I blew this one, so I was starting fresh for the quarter: one 10K day a week, and Q3 (now) I’d do two 10K days a week. We’re in the fourth week of the quarter and so far I met that goal 2 of the 3 weeks (only one 10K day that first week of July). I’ve got one 10K day in this week and I’m on track for at least one more. So far I’ll take this as a win!
  • Make Things! — The resolution called for making one thing a month. Haven’t lived up to that. Money is a big part of that, but time as well – I’m bartending every Saturday this summer, and that doesn’t give me a lot of free time. Nonetheless, I’m working on this one!
All in all, a little past the halfway point of the year, I don’t think I’m doing too badly. That’s especially true when you realize that most people don’t even remember what resolutions they made by this time in the year. But still room for improvement. Let’s see what we can get done before Q3!