Five Things This Week: week 46

With the air still thick with the smoke from the Camp Fire, this feels particularly prescient. But more than the subject, the writing here is amazing and you need to read this for that alone. Case in point: talking about how she went to see A River Runs Through It for Brad Pitt, “But after the movie, it was Robert Redford’s narration that echoed in my head. The way he said ‘Montana’ felt more spiritual than the way our rabbi chanted the blessing ‘Shalom Rav.'” *swoon*. Check it out.
Speaking of the Camp Fire…. this article discusses that fire specifically, but applies to most of the major conflagrations lately – our fires last year had the same prescription, and anyone in SoCal knows the havoc the Santa Ana winds can bring. “I always like to say nothing good comes from an east wind in California,” the article quotes Neil Lareau, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Nevada, Reno. Brother, werd.
The Cut
Creepy AF. That’s the disclaimer I’m putting at the front of this. Here’s all I’m going to tell you: family buys their $1.3 million dream house, but before they even move in a simple envelope appears in the mailbox. “Dearest new neighbor at 657 Boulevard,” it starts, “Allow me to welcome you to the neighborhood.” It goes on, “My grandfather watched the house in the 1920s and my father watched in the 1960s. It is now my time. Do you know the history of the house? Do you know what lies within the walls of 657 Boulevard? Why are you here? I will find out.” I’m going to leave this right here for you… Long read. Make sure the lights are on. Just saying…
The Ringer
Ready to feel old? Nirvana’s Unplugged show was 25 years ago this weekend.
This is a great long read of what people involved in the show – from band members, to recording people, to fans in attendance – remember that make that specific performance so memorable.
Thanksgiving 2018 Preview: Mac The Cheese
This year I decided to do a practice run of a few Thanksgiving dishes, one of which is a new recipe for macaroni and cheese. It’s largely adapted from another recipe, but the addition of a chipotle pepper and bacon (BACON!) really elevate it. Highly recommended.