Five Things This Week: week 29

Notre-Dame Came Far Closer To Collapsing Than People Knew. This Is How It Was Saved.
The Times has come under fire for mis-reporting or under-reporting during this contentious political time. Those criticisms are fair and should always be leveled and examined – much like criticism of this nation itself; contrary to what the head of the executive branch would say, criticism and examination is what makes institutions – newspapers and countries alike – stronger. What does this have to do with the article at hand? This is how a newspaper tells a story utilizing all the tools it has in the media it’s publishing in, and it makes the complex more understandable for it. It’s a well-told story about a tragic event, but you will come away with a better understanding of what happened where and when, and you might find a few tears, too.

Is It Okay To Laugh At Florida Man?
Washington Post Magazine
You’ve seen the headlines like “Florida Man Wearing Crocs Gets Bitten After Jumping Into Crocodile Exhibit at Alligator Farm.” But what exactly are we laughing at? And does it matter? This is a longread that might overstay its welcome, but it’s worth it for hearing straight from some of the most colorful Florida Man characters.

The Havana Job
Three CIA agents botch a job in post-revolution Cuba and are sent to a notorious prison. There’s high-level diplomacy, a failed invasion, a and desperate escape attempt. Enjoyable writing about an incident that reads like fiction but is informed by released Cold War documents. Definitely a fun read!

Where Are All the Bob Ross Paintings? We Found Them
He painted three paintings for each show, and you only need to see the episode list on Netflix to know there are a lot of shows and, ostensibly, a lot of paintings. So where are they? The 10 minute video here is a wonderful look at where there are and where Bob Ross came from. 

I Put Pringles in the Fridge And It Changed My Life
Guess what I’m going to do this week? #lifegoals