The Teeny, Tiny Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill
In the field of epidemiology the line between what constitutes droplets and an aerosol is 5 microns. Larger than 5 microns and it’s a droplet, and droplets don’t travel far. The Corona virus is larger than 5 microns and, therefore, wasn’t originally considered an aerosol, despite growing evidence to the contrary. In order to upend decades of this droplet/aerosol dichotomy — and, more importantly, slow the spread of the disease — scientists first had to figure out where the 5 micron definition came from.

The Case Against the Eagles
The Ringer
This does a nice job of explaining why, despite some objectively great songs, I really can’t stand the Eagles. I’ll admit, I’ve always liked Glen Fry, but I can’t speak to his character. I have, however, followed the, to be kind, irascible Don Henley. He’s an asshole. I’ll just put that out there. Which is sad because his songs are amazing. Aside from the Eagles you’ve got tracks like “End of The Innocence,” “Boys of Summer,” “Heart of the Matter” … But, wow, is he an asshole. Really, if you’re looking for the biggest jerks who make amazing music it’d be a fistfight between Don Henley and Van Morrison. And what’s tough is you see people bagging on nice artists all the time – folks clowning on Billy Joel, or Phil Collins. Sure, they can be fussy, but on most day’s they’re fine people. The Eagles in general and Don Henley in particular? Let’s just say I wouldn’t invite them to my party because they’d probably pee in the punch.

Has an Old Soviet Mystery at Last Been Solved?
The New Yorker
Have you heard of the Dyatlov pass incident? 1959 a group of nine young, experienced outdoors-people set off into the wilds of Siberia only to die mysteriously in the night – skull damage, major chest trauma, missing tongues and eyes, hypothermia. It’s nasty – and kind of spooky – stuff. Many theories have been put forth from the natural (avalanche) to the paranormal (Yeti, or, possibly, UFOs), to the conspiratorial (USSR weapons test gone awry, CIA/KGB meeting gone awry). I read Donnie Eichar’s detailed book Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident which concludes the wind across the mountain blew in a particular way that created infra-sound that terrified the hikers into fleeing. This article dismisses that theory in favor of a sort-of avalanche. It’s a good read and the explanation makes a lot of sense, even if many (most?) people involved still aren’t buying it.

Narcos and necromancy: Turf wars and black magic in Colombia
Telegraph UK
This story is as fascinating as it is disturbing. At this point I’m surprised anything can surprise me with these Narco cartels – from homemade submarines (there’s even a Netflix movie, “Narco Sub”!), to Narco hippos, it’s a macabre kind of crazy ingenuity and excess. But going to witches for an edge? You know, it’s not the strangest thing in the world…

Katy Perry
That last Thing was pretty dark. Here’s your palette cleanser: this track and video dropped today and, people… people…. It’s Katy Perry. And Pikachu. KATY PERRY AND ARGUABLY THE MVP OF THE POKEMON FRANCHISE. Okay, okay, so does this track belong in the Katy Perry Pantheon of Bangers. No, no it does not. Does it pop? Yes, it still pops. Oh, and it’s got Pikachu in the video. Yes, I’m going to keep repeating Pikachu is in the video until you click on one of these damn links and go watch it on YouTube! Now go! It’s adorable. It’ll make you smile. Go!