Five Things This Week: 2021, Week 21

The Linda Lindas Are More Than Just a Viral Punk Band
If you don’t know who or what the title above is referring to, just stop and go watch this clip. My friend, Mark, introduced first pointed me to the Linda Lindas. They’re fantastic, inspirational, and will make you smile. I love when something comes around that makes you unequivocally say, “The kids are alright.” The Linda Lindas make me excited for the future of music.

My Conversation With Haruki Murakami Never Really Ends
Haruki Murakami writes stories that are as mind-bending as they are sublime and sometimes nakedly brutal. But they resonate and are truly books you finish a different person than you started. I can’t say that about many authors. This “interview” is arguably the most Murakami interview I’ve ever read. Even if you haven’t read Murakami, check out this interview and you find yourself checking out his work.

The Story Behind Mariah Carey’s Secret ’90s Alt-Rock Album
Mariah Carey made a secret punky, alt-rock album in the 90’s – by day she and her team would work on what would eventually be the mega-hit album “Daydream” but at night they switched the reels and went off the cuff. Unfortunately, the powers that be found out and released the record with her friend doing the vocals. Will the Mariah Carey-vocal version ever see the light of day? We can hope! The songs are silly, but it’d be fascinating to hear what she’d sound like on them!!

Rutherford Falls
I genuinely feel like this is the best show that no one is talking about. Or at least not enough people are talking about. Part of that I think is because it’s on Peacock which I don’t think gets much traction compared to the other streaming services. However, they do have a free (ad supported) tier. But, I’m telling you, it’s worth wrestling with a peacock. Ed Helms plays the history-obsessed descendant of the town’s namesake family who takes issue with talks to move the statue of his ancestor from its traditional place (in the middle of a road). Add in the Native American tribe that doesn’t believe the Rutherford’s kept their side of the treaty for the town back in the day… Did I mention the it’s the most Native American’s in any major writer’s room? Please, go wrestle the peacock and watch Rutherford Falls!

Harry Styles covers Peter Gabriel’s “Sledgehammer” on Howard Stern 
This is one I noted down last year and never made it to a list, but it’s still great. I love Harry Styles, and this is a pretty straight-forward cover of “Sledgehammer,” but a) it’s a great song – it still, as the kids say, slaps. b) The band is tight and the whole thing will make you smile.