Five Things This Week: 2021, Week 23

The Apple employees’ complaint letter is also a road map for reopening offices
Tim Cook sent employees an email indicating everyone should come back to the office in early September at least three days a week (Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays). The group response from a large number of employees? “Yeah, we kind of like working from home…” Yes, it’s just one company, but as the title suggests, it may be indicative of folks being less than enthusiastic about returning to office life.

How the World Ran Out of Everything
New York Times
The auto industry is struggling with a shortage of computer chips. We all know about the Great TP Shortage Of 2020™. And don’t get me started on lumber prices… So, what gives? Why did we run out of everything?

Can You Say It in Mutsun?
Peninsula Open Space Trust
This is a little piece I think points to a bigger, more hopeful trend. The folks at the Peninsula Open Space Trust asked Natalie Pineida from the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band to provide the Mutsun words for common California trees, including their pronunciation. It’s a small step towards acknowledging the native people who lived on this land before us, and small steps matter. It doesn’t reverse the terrible things we did to them, but it acknowledges that they are still present, still relevant.

Anatomy of a Hoax
The Paris Review
After the death of Eric Carle, the writer and illustrator of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, many people circulated a story he told about an argument he had with his publisher about whether the caterpillar should “suffer an episode of nausea” after overeating. The problem is, there never was an argument and Eric Carle never said such a thing.

2021 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 392 Goes Nuclear
Car and Driver
Okay, I love me a Jeep Wrangler, but the point of this link isn’t the car being reviewed. Okay… it’s not just the car being reviewed (I mean, it’s kind of awesome even though I wouldn’t want such a monster!), rather, it’s the writing. I have a few “journo-crushes” and Ezra Dyer is definitely one of them.